A Study on the Digitalisation in Education in Finland Kicks Off
4FRONT is conducting an analysis of digitalisation in education in Finland for the Finnish National Agency for Education.
The goals of the study are to map the knowledge base for digitalisation in education, and analyse how digital data and services are utilised in education. The study covers early childhood education, comprehensive school education, as well as liberal adult education. Additionally, the study will identify and analyse services that support the use and dissemination of digitalisation in education.
The study will be carried out as a desk study and two surveys, and it will be completed during autumn 2024.
The study is part of the Framework for Digitalisation in Early Childhood Education and Care, Comprehensive School Education and Liberal Adult Education. The framework is a joint initiative of the Finnish National Agency for Education, the Ministry of Education and Culture, and the education sector, aimed at defining the principles, target state, and actions guiding the development of the digitalisation in education. Read more about the Framework for Digitalisation here: https://wiki.eduuni.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=272201225.
Further information:
Jenna Kiiskinen, Junior Consultant