Stronger strategic planning and coordination are needed in RDI in healthcare and social services
The role of RDI activities in healthcare and social services, is to develop novel technologies, solutions, and treatment interventions as well as improve (cost) effectiveness of services. But, are current Finnish RDI structures supporting these goals?
The study ’Practices for organizing research, development and innovation (RDI) in healthcare and social services’ focuses on the structures and organization of RDI and good RDI practices.
Based on the study there is a clear need for strategic planning and coordination; an overall view to RDI activities needs sharpening both nationally and within regions in multidisciplinary collaboration. In the future, as the regional autonomy for planning and organizing grows, it is paramount that national authorities facilitate a discussion on the goals of healthcare and social services.
The system further needs incentives, governance, guidance and standardization of interfaces and systems to enable cooperation and collaboration between different actors and regions. In addition, as regional autonomy grows and responsibility for organization of healthcare and social services continues to fragment, cross-sectoral governance and resource management needs to be strengthened.
In the study, current RDI structures and organization are considered in tight collaboration with relevant stakeholders. The stakeholders have been engaged with electronic survey, regional workshops and mapping good practices for organizing RDI. The report consists of 12 good practices, e.g. The Virtual Hospital 2.0, Comprehensive Cancer Center Finland, OuluHealth Labs, Wellbeing Expertise Centre of Central Finland and Health Campus Turku.
The study was conducted by 4FRONT together with MDI and NHG.
Report ’ Toimintamalleja sosiaali- ja terveysalan tutkimuksen, kehittämisen ja innovaatio-toiminnan edistämiseen’ (in Finnish)